How do I action a care request?

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How do I action a care request?

  1. In the account dropdown hover over “Locations” and select a branch. Navigate to the “Care request” tab. Within this section, you will be able to view care requests and all information the care seeker provided. You will also receive email notifications for new care requests and soon via our new Pairly app

  2. Click on a care request to review the information. From here you have the option to accept, decline or send the care seeker a message

What is “accepting” a care request?

“Accepting” a care request is when a care provider accepts the request made by a care seeker for a connection as the Care Provider has the means to fulfill it within their service. Therefore, the care provider can begin their assessment process and onboard their new customer. By accepting a care request you are not accepting a care package but moving the request into the next step which would be a conversation or assessment to determine the level of care required.

When accepting a care request there is the option to deduct this from your availability on Pairly. This ensures your availability on Pairly remains up to date. Sometimes, you may choose to untick this box if you have found a space for a package outside of the regular availability you have already uploaded to Pairly. 

As a provider, keeping your availability up to date ensures you can respond quickly to care seekers using the Pairly platform. It means you can accept a care request as soon as it comes in, rather than having to ask around the office and wait for a response from the appropriate team member. 

So what are you waiting for? Check your Pairly profile is up to date and start accepting care packages today.

Unsure how to update your availability? Check out our help article on How to add your availability to