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Access to care 24/7

At Pairly we understand care is often sought in a crisis, a moment of personal stress. Pairly makes connecting with care as easy as booking a room. Unlike a directory that only lists services Pairly will connect you with Providers that have the capacity to care, now!

  • All care options
  • Bookable care
  • Live messaging
How it works
Care Homes

Care at Home

Access to registered providers and private care assistants
  • Hourly homecare
  • 24/7 live-in care
  • Overnight care
  • Private care assistants
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Carer carrying elderly mans shopping into his house

Care Homes

Access to Registered Care Homes
  • Residential care
  • Nursing care
  • Dual registered
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Elderly lady reading a book

Keeping you informed

The latest news and updates within care and our community

Reform to transform social care

The UK government’s announcement of transformative social care reforms highlights an urgent need to address longstanding issues in the sector. Among these challenges is the lack of communication between care sourcing teams, local authorities, and care providers. This critical gap affects service delivery and outcomes for individuals in need.

Care Home Availability and Respite Care Options

The search for appropriate care can be an overwhelming journey for families, especially when it comes to finding a care home with available beds. In the UK, the demand for care services is growing, driven by increasing hospital admissions, and the need for specialist care.

Tech + Homecare Conference Breakdown

On the 21st of November, the Homecare Association hosted the Tech + Homecare conference as a way to provide a space to showcase and discuss the application of technology which could help combat some of the current issues plaguing the care sector. Companies presenting at the conference can be split into 4 categories; rostering, acquisition, consumer services and data. Will Flint, co-founder of Pairly, was also invited to share his views along with an impressive panel of speakers and this is what we learned.

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