
Gardening is an excellent way for older people to stay active and engaged with the world around them. It provides physical activity, as well as mental stimulation and emotional support. Gardening can also be an excellent way to get out of the house and connect with nature.

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Providing Care

Are you looking for carers who have experience with gardening?

Gardening allows older people to nurture something and take care of it, which can help them feel needed and valued. It can also give a sense of accomplishment when they see the fruits of their labour in the form of plants that they have grown or cared for. Gardening is ideal for those needing homecare services, as it allows them to stay active without leaving their homes. Assisted gardening can also be carried out in residential homes.

Gardening Services

Gardening assistance services provide care and support for older people who need help with their gardening activities. Carers and homecare workers can assist in facilitating the activity, allowing older people to enjoy the benefits of gardening without having to worry about doing it alone. Gardening assistance can also provide companionship and social interaction for older people, which can benefit their mental health and well-being.

Easy garden activities for older people

Here are some examples of garden activities for older people to enjoy:

  1. Digging and weeding
  2. Growing fruit
  3. Planting and maintaining window boxes
  4. Arranging flowers
  5. Playing games in the garden (boules, catch)
  6. Pressing flowers
  7. Creating windowsill gardens
  8. Watering plants and flowerbeds
  9. Leaf raking
  10. Watching birds
  11. Photographing garden wildlife