What happens when I decline a care request?

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Providing Care

What happens when I decline a care request?

Sometimes, you may get care requests within your private tab directly from care seekers that you are unable to facilitate. That’s ok - we’ve designed Pairly with this in mind. 

The ‘public’ tab is where declined or timed-out care requests go. This is where other providers can pick up unfilled care requests if it is within their availability. As a provider, you can also pick up declined care requests. This is essentially a tailor-made unsourced list for providers. If you’ve declined a care request, this will present as a washed-out grey within the public section so you don’t see the same request twice. 

This way, care seekers can get their care connection as quickly as possible. As a provider, you have the opportunity to pick and choose care packages to fill your gaps. 

It’s a win-win for everyone! 

What does a timed-out care request mean?

Depending on where the care request originates from depends on its pathway.

Pairly.com - you have 12 hours to accept the request before this goes into the Public section. We do this to ensure the care seeker finds care as quickly as possible - care is often sought in crisis and our mission at Pairly is to make this journey as simple as possible for the care seeker.

Pairly Pro - we understand traffic to your site takes marketing and expense. All your Pairly Pro enquiries will sit within your dashboard for 5 days before then re-routing to the public section if not accepted or declined at this time.